What Country Invented Whatsapp?

Whatsapp is a messaging system designed for mobile phone use on the Internet. Many internet users are understandably wondering who could have come up with this idea and Which Country Invented Whatsapp too. China has certainly been creating amazing technological items for thousands of years, but even the thought of an international platform for messaging has probably never occurred to many people. However, it makes sense to ask where the idea came from. In this article I will try to answer that question as best I can.

which country invented whatsapp


China is one of the fastest developing countries in the world, especially when it comes to information technology. It has in the last few years made a tremendous impact on how information is communicated and also how mobile phones are used. One area that has developed very quickly and was put on the map of China is patents. China has long been a leader in intellectual property protection, especially in the fields of software and patents. There are several reasons why the country might have had an interest in thinking about what role text messaging would play within their system of patents and whether or not it would be patentable.


One of the major reasons that people have believed that China was responsible for what is now known as whatsapp is because the concept of instant messaging was used within China as early as the 1980's. Smartphones were not yet widely available in China and the concept of using a smartphone to make an online account was not even in the mind of the Chinese government at that time. The only reason it would have been patented at that time would have been to allow communication between two people using a telephone. The iPhone was not released in China until after the Apple trial and a lot of people believe this was where the smartphone idea was born. When the iPhone did become available to the Chinese people, it marked a big improvement when it came to being able to send text messages across various networks.

What Country Invented Whatsapp?


Another reason, which many people believe the question "which country invented whatsapp" is because of the sudden increase in the number of people who use their smartphones in China today. There are more cell phone users in China today than there are in the entire world. To answer the question of "which country invented Whatsapp" there simply has never been a better time to take advantage of using a smart phone or any other device that can access the internet. Text messaging has become an essential part of how people communicate with each other across various networks and devices.

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In the future there will most likely be smart cell phones, which can also access the internet. As cell phones become more capable and reliable, they will become a necessity for many people and the question of which country invented whatsapp may not even be relevant any longer. People in the United States and some parts of Europe have been credited with creating the technology that allows text messages to be sent across various networks. Some people attribute this to the US government but the truth is probably lies and rumors spread by jealous corporations who do not want their products to be competing with the superior devices of competitors. Regardless of who developed text message technology, the fact remains that cell phones will continue to play an important role as communication tools for years to come.

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Many people ask what the difference is between what countries people now use and the way that American individuals would use a messaging system like Whatsapp. The simple truth is that these two systems have many things in common. The first thing that both of these systems do is allow individuals to communicate through their cell phones in ways that were impossible just a few short years ago. Before text messaging came along people would use letters or typewriters to write short messages to family members or friends.

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The second thing which was made possible by the rise of cell phones is the wide range of services that are available to individuals through them. One example is texting or long distance calling. Before text messaging became popular people had to use other means to communicate. A few different options included radios, telex machines, and even regular phone calls to keep in touch. Nowadays with everything becoming digital and using wireless internet individuals have access to services which would have seemed impossible just a few short years ago. One of the reasons which country invented whatsapp is because individuals would use different methods of communication to stay in touch.


Text messaging is one of the most popular services that are available on smartphones. iPhones and Android smartphones have made it very easy to send short messages to loved ones all over the world. People can send photos and videos to loved ones with the use of these types of devices. However, with something like the iPhone or Android there is always the option of downloading an application which allows individuals to stay in touch with their loved ones. If you were wondering what country invented whatsapp, it is pretty obvious that this question has been asked millions of times, and the answer is simply "Worldwide."

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